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Renovations and internal beautification of the Shepparton Albanian Moslem Mosque Xhamia & Community Centre.
On behalf of the committee I would like to inform our members and the Albanian community of the exciting new project we are undertaking this year.
For many years, it has been brought to both the past and present committees’ attention that the internals of the Mosque & Community Centre needed upgrade works due to age, wear and the greater number of followers using the Mosque (Xhamia) in more recent times.
Prior to Covid restrictions, some 140 worshipers were regularly using the Mosque for the Friday prayers.
With the current layout of the mosque, it is now unable to cater for the increased number of worshipers.
So, an action plan has now been put in place to move forward with redesigned areas to cater for the greater numbers as well as varied use.

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A place for events and education within the Community Centre.
Just some of the upgrades will include;
- a new ablution washing station for the worshipers
- new toilets
- newfront entrance/foyer
- removal of some walls
- new carpets
- painting throughout
- lighting
- new community room that can be open or closed to the main prayer room
We are mindful of the original Mosque structure that will remain as is, but will be upgraded internally, with a new coat of paint and some structural maintenance and a new concrete floor, new carpet as well as a new library room.

Our goal now is to raise the required funds needed to complete the major works. If we indeed raise the required funding, we hope to have it completed late 2021.
To achieve the high standard renovation, we are aiming to achieve a budget target of $500,000. We have recently been successful in our application for funding approved by the Victorian Government for $375,000 to assist with these renovations.
We will also be fundraising, asking our Members and the Albanian community and the regular weekly worshippers to contribute/donate to this project for additional funds toward the project. We also intend to look for donations/sponsorships from business and for in-kind volunteer labour donations to also assist.
When completed, the revised layout will cater for the increased number of worshipers that are now attending the mosque.
We will also have three meeting rooms for future Sunday School, Albanian language classes and a Community Centre that can be open for gatherings & events for the various community groups/organisations using this mosque.
For donations towards this project, please contact any one of our committee members. Their contact details are noted below, or just complete the attached pledge document. The major obstacle that may delay a truly worthy project is if we cannot raise sufficient additional funds. So, we indeed hope that we can receive the support needed by the Albanian community for this project.
It will truly be something that all can all be proud of, now and for future generations to both use and enjoy.
Yours faithfully,
Shepparton Albanian Moslem Society